2024 ASHRAE Golf Tournament
Where: The beautiful Blissful Meadows Golf Club
When: Monday June 3rd, 2024
Time: 9:00am Shotgun Start - Buffet Lunch Following Round
Cost: $650 per foursome *cost includes 18 holes golf, cart, & lunch
$ 175 per person // $ 50 per person for lunch only
Please contact Joey Hoey at jhoey@ardeneng.com or by phone at 401-255-2158 to receive a link to purchase a foursome online.

2024 ASHRAE Golf Tournament (Tee Sign ONLY)
Please contact Joey Hoey at 401-255-2158 if you have a foursome.

December 2023 Holiday Dinner
Please join RI ASHRAE for our holiday party at Spumoni’s! Please feel free to bring your significant others. There will be music, food, drinks, and enough holiday cheer for all!

2023 ASHRAE Golf Tournament (Tee Sign & Lunch ONLY)
Please contact Joey Hoey at 401-255-2158 if you have a foursome.

2023 ASHRAE Golf Tournament
Please contact Joey Hoey at 401-255-2158 if you have a foursome.

September Chapter Meeting
Please join RI ASHRAE as we discuss the upcoming refrigerant changes, including R-410A being phased out by 2025, and equipment no longer being manufactured using R-410A by January 2023.
Mark Fly, the Director of Engineering from Aaron will be discussing the new 2023 standards and will provide updates on refrigerants.

2022 ASHRAE Golf Tournament
Please contact Joey Hoey at 401-255-2158 if you have a foursome.

May Chapter Meeting
Please join RI ASHRAE as we show our gratitude to all the past RI Chapter presidents for their hard work and dedication to the the chapter and ASHRAE.
We invite all Past Presidents of the Rhode Island Chapter to join us for an Appreciation Dinner at no cost as a thank you for your service to the chapter.
There will be a brief presentation on all the happenings in the World of ASHRAE from the RI Chapter Board of Governors.
A buffet dinner to follow immediately after the presentation.

February Chapter Meeting
Please join us on Thursday, February 24th at Narragansett Brewery in Providence for our February Chapter Meeting! At 5pm we will have drinks at the bar. At 6pm we will have a tour of the brewery, with plenty of beer and food afterwards. We hope to see you there!

December 2021 Holiday Dinner
Please join us on Thursday, December 16th for our annual Holiday Get-Together at Sayles Hill Rod and Gun Club!
5:30pm will be cocktail hour.
7pm enjoy a buffet style dinner by Venda Ravioli.

March Chapter Meeting
Hosted by our neighbors in the Granite State, please join us for an insightful webinar covering one method to tackle COVID-19 transmission:
Airborne transmission is the dominate vehicle for COVID-19. Recent guidance from the World Health Organization suggests that if a room does not meet the minimum air change rates as set forth by ASHRAE, the supplemental HEPA based portable filtration should be deployed. To help understand the effectiveness of this approach we will be hearing a presentation from Dr. Joachim Curtius from Goethe University in Frankfurt Germany. A recently publish paper by Dr. Curtius reports the efficiency and practicality of operating four HEPA filters in a high school while regular classes were taking place. Two classrooms were used, one as control with no filters, and instrumented with measuring devices that could measure from 10 nm to 10 um. The reduction in aerosol concentration was measured at more than 90% in less than 30 minutes, and the estimated inhaled dose reduced by 6x for a 120 minute class period

CRC Golf Tournament
Join us on Monday, October 5, 2020 for a day of golf sponsored by the RI ASHRAE Golf CRC fundraising campaign. All proceeds will go towards supporting the upcoming ASHRAE Region I Chapter Regional Conference to be held in Rhode Island in August 2023.

March Chapter Meeting
Please join us on Thursday, March 19th at Apponaug Brewing Company for our March Chapter Meeting! Situated on the scenic Pawtuxet River, we will be receiving a tour of the converted mill with plenty of beer and food for all. We hope to see you there!